Alumni Profile: Shistata Shrestha
“My advice would be to not to be afraid if things aren’t going according to your ‘career plan’. Be open-minded and take every opportunity, you may pleasantly surprise yourself.”
“I was offered my Honours project by Hawkins Watts, a food
ingredient company, where I undertook placement in third year. I had never
expected to be provided such an opportunity, and despite my initial fear, I
decided to do it.” Shistata is assessing the plausibility of using fruit and
vegetable extracts to improve the food supply and ultimately increase health on
a large public health scale.
“As an Intern in the food industry, I love seeing the
processes involved in product development. I have definitely found a new
appreciation for food products now!”.
Combining her internship with Hawkins Watts Australia and
her Honours year with her supervisors, Shistata “develop(s) new perspectives
and think(s) more innovatively.”
Studying Nutrition Science at Monash University exposed Shistata
to various nutrition related careers from the beginning of the course, such as
public health, research, clinical, and the food industry. She notes that it widened
her outlook and encouraged her to broaden her own career journey.
“I started my degree with a sole passion for clinical
dietetics. As my studies went on, I delved into new aspects of nutrition,
including partaking in an industry placement as well as research. This allowed me to see what else I enjoy and
was capable of, leading to my current Honours degree.”